Monday, November 12, 2007

A Brand New Chapter

If only life is like your blog - get a new one anytime and start scribbling on it again whenever you feel like your previous blog is not good enough. But it's not. So, I've been thinking of 'moving' again, to a new blog, as a significant mark to the changes in my life now. Then, I thought about it again, I like the life I had/have, there's nothing I would say that I'd like to change or did not do. Alright, cut the philosophical crap, I'm just too lazy to do up a new blog and to think of a blogtitle better than this. hehe.

I'm married now. for almost 4 months. Rosh and I both got the working-holiday visa and now we've moved to the UK. as of today we're officially in this very expensive country for one full month, and tomorrow i'll be starting my first temp work as an administrator/receptionist at a hospital near where I live here in oxford.

All this time I was worried I may have problem settling in, but these past few months there's been so much changes that we're actually doing pretty alright in embracing new ones. I mean, I'd still like to 'settle' in one place and not live out of a least not for the next couple of months.

There are times we suddenly wonder why are we here, it is after all a difficult place to live if you couldn't get a job considering everything is so pricey. But we know these coming 2 years is what we want to try out, to experience, so... who knows how it will turn out right. Life is full of surprises!